A census by the National Association of Community Legal Centres has found that over 150,000 people were turned away from community legal centres last financial year.
The rising cost of living in Sydney has led to a boom in overcrowded housing that does not meet the standards of tenancy legislation or local council health and safety regulations.
A recent Senate Inquiry into Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers (‘VET Inquiry’) exposed a raft of misleading and deceptive practices in relation to the marketing of VET courses and the VET Fee Help government loan scheme.
The Productivity Commission’s draft report into its Workplace Relations Framework Inquiry, which is set to be released next month, is expected to raise a number of issues of importance to Australia’s workplace relations framework.
The Tenants’ Union of NSW and Tenants’ Advice & Advocacy Services (TAAS) network have launched a campaign for an increase in tenants’ services funding and an increase on the interest returned to tenants themselves.
NSW is currently considering the implementation of a Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme, modelled on ‘Clare’s Law’, which was recently introduced in the UK.