

157 results
Legal self-help

If you are a migrant worker and you have been exploited at work, you might be able to access a new visa, the Workplace Justice Visa. If you are eligible, this visa will allow you to stay in Australia to pursue your claim for workplace entitlements.  This factsheet will help you determine if you might be eligible to apply for the Workplace Justice Visa.
Legal self-help

Police can stop and search your car if they reasonably suspect that: • your car has been involved in a crime, or your car will be involved in a crime in the future • your car contains stolen goods or illegal drugs • your car is in a public place and has something dangerous inside
Legal self-help

Can police ask me questions when they pull me over? Police can ask you questions at any time. If you are driving, the only information you have to give police is your name and address.
Legal self-help

What is a licence condition?  Some licences have licence conditions, which are legal rules that must be followed. Any licence conditions should be shown on your driver licence, usually with an individual letter. 

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Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012