The Boarding Houses Act 2012 commenced in full on July 1, a long awaited change that will mean that boarding house residents are better protected in law.
RLC’s Sydney Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service Coordinator Susan Smith has been appointed to the newly established NSW Domestic and Family Violence Council.
Get it Fixed NSW is a group of community organisations who has recently launched a website featuring tenants' stories about their attempts to get Housing NSW to do repairs.
The Unfair Dismissal Advocacy Scheme is reflective of RLC's core aim to increase access to justice for those who cannot afford private legal advice and too often go unrepresented.
RLC and Sydney Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (Sydney WDVCAS) made a submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee Inquiry into the partial defence of provocation.
South Sydney Herald Article features an article this month on RLC's lodgment of an Ombudsman complaint regarding Housing NSW failure to respond to vulnerable tenants.
RLC regularly sees new clients who are the target of what would ordinarily be called police harassment. In NSW it is described as 'proactive policing'.