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RLC in the media

RLC's Millers Point Tenants' Advocates spoke to Background Briefing's Ann Arnold about the sale of landmark social housing in Sydney and the resulting consequences for long term tenants.

The Department of Fair Trading has released a report making recommendations about changes that should be made to the Residential Tenancy Act 2010 as part of its five-year statutory review.

At Redfern Legal Centre we see clients every week experiencing significant psychological distress as a result of bullying, harassment or discrimination at work as well as termination of their employment.

RLC has spent many years advocating for public housing tenants waiting for basic repairs to be done on their homes. The lack of action they experience, even after correct procedure is followed, can be detrimental to people’s health and wellbeing.

RLC welcomes the Willing to Work report from the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), which again seeks to strengthen the accessibility and impact of anti-discrimination laws.

SBS speaks to Tenants' Advocate about how RLC can assist renters with issues relating to damage caused by Sydney's wild storms.

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Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012