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Ms Jenny Leong MP, Newtown: "On Thursday 21 May 2015 I met with the Redfern Legal Centre, the oldest legal centre in New South Wales offering essential legal services in our local community and across New South Wales."
RLC in the media

May 2015 - Australasian Lawyer Samantha Woodhill The 2014 Productivity Commission inquiry into access to justice recommended an additional $200m in funding for community legal centres, but the latest federal budget will force centres to endure further funding cuts.
RLC in the media

Women's rights advocates want a full overhaul of the way governments deal with domestic violence to stop the large numbers of women being killed. So far this year 34 women have been killed in Australia - including two women in New South Wales who were allegedly killed by their partners in the last week. Activists say governments need to prioritise anti-violence programs and give them the funding they need. They say domestic violence tears at the fabric of society.
RLC in the media: Hands holding a newspare with the RLC logo in the corner

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Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012