The purpose of the scheme is to allow individuals to discover whether their partner has a history of offences relating to domestic violence.
RLC recently attended a roundtable discussion with Pru Goward, Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, and Gabrielle Upton, Attorney-General, to discuss the initiative.
RLC is also preparing a submission in response to the released discussion paper outlining our proposed model for implementation.
We advocate using pre-existing LCPs and SAMs under the ‘It Stops Here: Safe Pathway’ program to administer the scheme, as they have relevant expertise and systems in place, and are able to provide further support to those accessing the scheme. This will require the accelerated roll-out of LCPs and SAMs across NSW and the allocation of additional resources in order to ensure the scheme is effective.
For more information, or to make a submission, please visit this website. Submissions are due by 19 June 2015.