RLC in the media


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RLC in the media

Third-party marketing agents are continuing to recruit vulnerable people to private education courses despite recent federal government attempts to clamp down on the sector, advocates have told a Senate inquiry. Solicitors at a legal centre have raised concerns about unscrupulous training organisations recruiting vulnerable welfare recipients. Photo: Tanya Lake, Sydney Morning Herald.
RLC in the media

Will the Tink Review into the current system of investigating police misconduct spur real change for NSW? RLC's UNSW Policing Practice solicitor spoke with ABC's PM show to discuss the inadequacy of the current system of addressing police misconduct; what needs to change, and why.
RLC in the media

The City of Sydney last week announced a dedicated squad and investigation to crack down on illegal accommodation across the city. While this announcement answers calls for action, the future of current tenants has been thrown into uncertainty.
RLC in the media: Hands holding a newspare with the RLC logo in the corner

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