

190 results

RLC solicitor Linda Tucker weighs in on the Government's proposed $200 a week internship scheme, declared 'illegal' by the Australian Council of Trade Unions.

There have been no prosecutions in the 26 years since the provisions creating a criminal offence for serious racial vilification became part of the NSW Anti Discrimination Act (ADA). In other words, these provisions have never been used.

6 April 2016 The NSW Police Force has announced it will increase its roadside drug tests threefold by 2017, raising its numbers from 32,000 to 100,000 roadside tests annually.

16 December 2015 RLC senior solicitor David Porter was able to bring a case-based, legal advocate’s perspective to the Police Integrity Panel at the recent Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference in November.

Earlier this year former shadow Attorney-General Andrew Tink was commissioned to review the current system of police oversight in NSW.

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