Students with a disability deserve equal enjoyment and access to education, resulting in wide-ranging benefits for them, their families and the community.
However, RLC is deeply concerned that students with a disability in Australia are not experiencing sufficient levels of access to education, notwithstanding the introduction of Disability Standards 10 years ago.
Exclusion from mainstream education providers either through direct discrimination or through a lack of adequate resources can have detrimental long-term consequences for students with a disability.
Despite this, the current complaints mechanisms in place are insufficient to address the needs of students in an efficient and satisfying manner, leaving many parents and students bearing the burden of discrimination.
Earlier this year, Redfern Legal Centre made a submission to the inquiry.
In the submission to the Senate Standing Committee to Education and Employment, RLC outlines some of the key issues facing students with a disability and education providers, and puts forward recommendation to redress these deficiencies in the system.
The inquiry is currently considering the submissions, with a report expected to be delivered later this year.