Tenancy and housing
Legal information and services that can help you with tenancy and housing problems.
Common legal issues for renters
Redfern Legal Centre provides free and confidential legal advice to renters about housing and homelessness matters.
Our tenants' advocates can advise you about issues including:
- Eviction
- Rent
- Repairs
- Getting your bond back
- Share housing
- Boarding houses
- Public and Community Housing - including specialist advice for tenants being affected by public housing redevelopments and relocation.
- Going to the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal (NCAT)
- Going to the Housing Appeals Committee
Due to demand, we may refer you to other services, if appropriate. Learn more about accessing our services.
Our services that can help

Other services that can help
- Tenants' Union of NSW. Information, resources and expert advice for tenants in NSW. Tenants' Union Hotline: 1800 251 101.
- Greater Sydney Aboriginal Tenants Service (GSATS). A Tenants' Union service providing expert advice to First Nations people. Phone: 02 9698 0873
- Seniors Rights Service. A free service for over 55-year-old residents of retirement villages, nursing homes and hostels. Phone: 1800 424 079.
- NSW Fair Trading. Information for tenants, landlords and agents on renting, including the lodgement and refund of bond money. Phone: 133 220.
- Law Access NSW. A free government telephone service that provides legal information, advice and referrals for people who have a legal problem. Phone: 1300 888 529.
How to contact us
To request free legal advice about your tenancy and housing matter:
- Complete our online enquiry form, or
- Call us on (02) 9698 5975
If you need an interpreter, call us using the free Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
complete our online form call 02 9698 5975
If we are able to advise you, we will arrange for a tenants' advocate to call you back. If your matter is urgent it might be possible to speak to a tenants' advocate immediately.
If we are not able to assist you we may refer you to other services and resources, including those listed on this page. Learn more about accessing our services.