370 resultsPapers and submissions
EARG believes the criminalisation of coercive control won’t necessarily achieve better outcomes for victim-survivors.
Papers and submissions
In March 2021, members of the Economic Reference Group NSW (EARG NSW), appeared before a NSW Parliamentary inquiry into coercive control.
Legal self-help
This letter can be used to request a short extension of time on legal action against you to recover a debt.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission makes 16 recommendations in response to concerns identified during the 2016 Inquiry, and provides client case studies that further highlight our concerns.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submissions to the Senate Inquiry into consumer credit reforms.
Papers and submissions
RLC has made submissions to the recent Senate Inquiry into consumer credit reforms.
Legal self-help
There are two ways to make a GIPA application to request information – by post or using the online form. This factsheet is a step-by-step guide to applying online.
Legal self-help
This factsheet is a step-by-step guide to applying by post using the standard GIPA Application form.
Legal self-help
This factsheet is designed to assist you in requesting access to information held by NSW Police.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission highlights our concerns about the effectiveness of the current processes identified in the Strategy in supporting the prevention of homelessness