65 resultsLegal self-help
Are you being paid correctly at work? Redfern Legal Centre often hears from international students who are being exploited by employers who do not pay correctly or deny other workplace entitlements.
Legal self-help
Have you ever been asked to do an unpaid trial shift when you apply for a new job? Most of the time this is not legal. You should be paid for any work you do.
Papers and submissions
This submission, written by RLC’s discrimination solicitor Dr Linda Tucker, draws on RLC's earlier submissions in addressing the terms of this Inquiry.¹ We also thank Ting Lim, a solicitor and volunteer on RLC’s discrimination advice night.
Legal self-help
During the holidays, termination of employment remains a sad reality for some. Employees need to be aware of legal remedies available, as well as time limits that may apply. These time limits may be affected by public holidays.
Papers and submissions
Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the NSW Government’s report, Racial Vilification Law in New South Wales.
Papers and submissions
Our submission to this inquiry - Willing to Work - emphasises the ongoing difficulties faced at an institutional and systemic level for people with disability and older people to engage productively in the workforce.
Legal self-help
This fact sheet provides you with some basic information about sham contracting - what it means, how you can identify if you are in that situation, and what you can do about it.
Legal self-help
This factsheet provides some basic information about the two most common legal actions available to you if you have lost your job:
An unfair dismissal claim; and
A general protections dismissal claim.
Papers and submissions
In this submission, we emphasise the prevalence of pregnancy discrimination in the workplace, provide some case examples, and discuss parental leave.
Papers and submissions
RLC addresses in its submission the following topics: anti-discrimination law; general protections provisions of the FW Act; employment law; and particular disability communities.