RLC solicitor Linda Tucker weighs in on the Government's proposed $200 a week internship scheme, declared 'illegal' by the Australian Council of Trade Unions.
Redfern Legal Centre made a submission to an inquiry into domestic violence and gender inequality conducted by the Commonwealth Senate Finance and Public Administration Committees.
RLC and Sydney Local Health District's Aboriginal Health Justice Partnership provides legal services to Indigenous patients based at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.
RLC routinely encounters vulnerable clients who have fallen victim to exploitative and misleading small amount credit contracts (SACCs) and ‘rent to buy’ consumer lease products.
Following the 7-Eleven employment scandal and subsequent assurances from the Federal Government offered to employees who may have breached their visa conditions, numbers of complainants rose from the low hundreds to just over two thousand.
There have been no prosecutions in the 26 years since the provisions creating a criminal offence for serious racial vilification became part of the NSW Anti Discrimination Act (ADA). In other words, these provisions have never been used.
The reactive remedies to discrimination in Australia, which require individuals to take up complaints rather than imposing a positive duty on respondents, continue to undermine the positive intentions of anti-discrimination laws.