Our solicitors Will Dwyer (Credit & Debt) and Linda Tucker (Employment & Discrimination) talked to Hannah Pett on FBI's Backchat about what the pending federal govt cuts to Community Legal Centres will mean to our clients.
Redfern Legal Centre made a submission to an inquiry into domestic violence and gender inequality conducted by the Commonwealth Senate Finance and Public Administration Committees.
Last week the City of Sydney Council motioned to grant the Redfern Legal Centre $100,000 over a 24 month period to provide legal resources for tenants in the Waterloo public housing redevelopment.
RLC routinely encounters vulnerable clients who have fallen victim to exploitative and misleading small amount credit contracts (SACCs) and ‘rent to buy’ consumer lease products.
14 March 2016
Originally published in the South Sydney Herald.
In December last year, just before Christmas, the state government announced a plan to redevelop the Waterloo area over the next 20 years.
There is such a battle to find somewhere to rent – the competition, the cost, the community you want to live in.
But what if the colour of your skin made it even harder to rent?