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Not all renters are treated equally under NSW tenancy laws. There are many tenants in fairly conventional renting situations who would be surprised to learn that NSW state tenancy laws don’t apply to them.

Employees should be wary of potential recriminations for after-hours social media misconduct, warned Kathryn Dent, an employment and industrial law specialist, in a recent interview with Australasian Lawyer.

On 8th September, the NSW Parliament’s Select Committee on Social, Public and Affordable Housing tabled its final report after a wide-reaching inquiry. A number of submissions made by RLC during the inquiry were drawn upon in the final report.

Spare Bedroom Tax refers to a Housing New South Wales policy that commenced in September 2013. This policy is aimed at addressing under-occupancy in public housing properties.

In September 2013, Housing NSW sent out notices to public housing tenants to tell them that their rent is being increased. The increases are up to $300 per week. The increases apply only to tenants who pay market rent.

The Boarding Houses Act 2012 commenced in full on July 1, a long awaited change that will mean that boarding house residents are better protected in law.

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Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012