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The Productivity Commission’s draft report into its Workplace Relations Framework Inquiry, which is set to be released next month, is expected to raise a number of issues of importance to Australia’s workplace relations framework.

Employees should be wary of potential recriminations for after-hours social media misconduct, warned Kathryn Dent, an employment and industrial law specialist, in a recent interview with Australasian Lawyer.

Figures released in January, regarding the number of people with a disability working for the Australian Public Service (APS), shone a spotlight on rates of inclusion of people with disability in employment.
Employment and workplace discrimination thumbnail - profile of a woman working on a laptop. She's seated in a wheelchair.

Over the course of 2014, Redfern Legal Centre’s specialist employment law service has witnessed many common mistakes we all make during the course of our employment.

The recent full Federal Court of Australia decision in Richardson v Oracle Corporation Australia Pty Ltd [2014] FCAFC 82 has provided new insight into determinations made by the court regarding general damages, in the area of sexual harassment.

Redfern Legal Centre has recently advised and assisted a number of people seeking to recover unpaid wages and entitlements from their employers.

Redfern Legal Centre enjoyed the opportunity to attend the launch of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s report into pregnancy discrimination in employment on Friday 25thJuly.

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Strawberry Hills NSW 2012