RLC in the media


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RLC in the media

In Australia, unfair and oppressive rules introduced by some apartment buildings have seen a number of tenants summarily locked out of their homes, often over trivial matters. These tenants have found that local laws offer them little in the way of meaningful protection.
RLC in the Media: A close up shot of a typewriter having typed the word Headlines. The RLC logo appears above the text.
RLC in the media

RLC Tenant Advocate, Tom McDonald, was on the ABC’s program, The Checkout, this month giving practical advice to tenants in relation to keeping their bond at the end of their tenancy.
RLC in the media

Discussion about the proposed Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination legislation has been dominated by a debate on religious organisation exemptions and freedom of speech. There has been public outcry over religious organisations being exempt from the legislation and the ramifications for service provision to some of the most vulnerable people in Australia.
RLC in the Media: A close up shot of a typewriter having typed the word Headlines. The RLC logo appears above the text.
RLC in the media

I sympathise with Michael Texilake's concerns (Letters, July 20), but many of his complaints can effectively be dealt with by existing legal remedies where the conduct is threatening or excessive. A more effective short-term solution to "music, burn-outs, fights and all-night public rampages" may be found in the Summary Offences Act and the Protection of the Environment Operations Act.
Close up of a typewritter that has just typed HEADLINES above which appears the RLC logo

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Strawberry Hills NSW 2012