

78 results

In the lead-up to Australia’s inaugural Economic Abuse Awareness Day on 26 November 2021, RLC staff spoke at online events to raise awareness about financial abuse.
Domestic Violence and Financial Abuse thumbnail - Wallet with post it on which Financial Abuse is written

RLC’s financial abuse team leader, Laura Bianchi, discusses how RLC is helping people regain financial independence after domestic violence.
Woman with black hair in silhouette

RLC's Financial Abuse Service NSW has produced a series of factsheets on family law for people separating from their partner or spouse.
Green and yellow tick figure image of a family made out of torn paper

In October 2020, RLC police accountability solicitor Samatha Lee appeared before The Select Committee into the High Level of First Nations People in Custody and Oversight and Review of Deaths in Custody.
Three Aboriginal flags on a string - photo tinted orange

Redfern Legal Centre supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart as an important step forward for all Australians. It is time to embed a First Nations Voice in Australia’s Parliament. This is a priority, and we must progress without delay.
REd of speople stand smiling outside Redfern Legal Centre holding an Aboriginal flag

© Redfern Legal Centre 1977 - 2022

Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012