On 28 March 2018, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Australian Consumer Law Review) Bill 2018 (Cth) was passed and will enact the first suite of proposals of the Australian Consumer Law Review.
Strangulation is one of the most common and lethal forms of domestic violence. It can seriously affect a victim's long-term physical and psychological health and is a highly predictive indicator of future homicide.
Redfern Legal Centre has pioneered frontline domestic violence legal services for more than 30 years and is extremely proud of its Sydney Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (SWDVCAS).
In this submission, RLC focuses on the impact of irresponsible lending practices on consumers in response to the ASIC Consultation Paper on Credit Cards and Responsible Lending Assessments.
On 21 March 2018, a new State Debt Recovery Act 2018 (NSW) commenced. The Act gives Revenue NSW the power to bypass the court debt recovery process, dramatically changing the way state debts, such as council rates, are collected in NSW.