In this submission, RLC comments on the evidentiary requirements that have been proposed for victims of family and domestic violence to get early release of their superannuation benefits.
RLC’s credit and debt team regularly encounters vulnerable consumers who, for a range of reasons, want to seek early access to their superannuation.
Recently, we have expanded this work and are currently establishing a dedicated state-wide financial abuse legal service in New South Wales.
We endorse the submission by the Financial Rights Legal Centre, and make additional comments in relation to draft proposal 7 of the issues paper concerning victims of family and domestic violence, specifically on the issue of evidence.
RLC does not support the need for victims to provide judicial evidence or two pieces of specific non-judicial evidence to confirm the individual is a victim of family and domestic violence.
RLC’s recommendation is to lower evidentiary requirements because there are many reasons why victims of family and domestic violence may not be willing or able to seek a court order or speak to police.