Redfern Legal Centre is a proud signatory to a joint statement calling for urgent action from governments and employers to prevent sexual harassment in workplaces.
Police are accused of using aggressive tactics that are humiliating law-abiding young people as fears over music festival drug deaths escalate.
Victoria Pengilley reports for
As the festive season approaches, Redfern Legal Centre is thankful for everyone who has helped us maintain support to communities across NSW this year.
The Millers Point community was built up over generations and withstood many attempts at dispersal over the years, before being ripped apart by public housing redevelopment. Could this be happening again in Waterloo?
With the help of funding from the City of Sydney, Redfern Legal Centre has established an outreach service in the Waterloo community to provide legal advice to tenants about the proposed redevelopment of the Waterloo Public Housing Estate.
Controversial changes to child protection laws have passed through the NSW Parliament, despite grave concerns raised by almost 80 CLCs and other organisations across the state.