71 resultsPapers and submissions
RLC and Kingsford Legal Centre and have jointly made submissions to the Senate Select Committee on Job Security.
Papers and submissions
EARG believes the criminalisation of coercive control won’t necessarily achieve better outcomes for victim-survivors.
Papers and submissions
RLC has made submissions to the recent Senate Inquiry into consumer credit reforms.
Legal self-help
You can only take paid carers' leave in certain situations.
Legal self-help
Many businesses are making employees redundant during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Redundancy is a type of job loss that occurs when your employer no longer requires someone to work in your position. It should not be because of your performance as an employee.
Legal self-help
This factsheet explains your rights if your employer offers you a salary cut.
Legal self-help
Your employer has an obligation to pay you superannuation, even during the COVID-19 crisis.
Legal self-help
Has your employer reduced your hours or pay during the COVID-19 crisis? Don't sign a new contract without seeking legal advice!
Legal self-help
Have you been stood down without pay during COVID-19? Don’t resign until you've had legal advice.
Papers and submissions
RLC first made submissions to the Religious Freedom Bills consultation on 2 October 2019, detailing a number of our concerns. On 31 January 2020, we made further submissions on the second exposure draft of the Bills.