144 resultsPapers and submissions
Redfern Legal Centre has been campaigning for legislative protection for boarders and lodgers and other marginal renters for more than 20 years.
Papers and submissions
Comments on the Federal Government’s draft Homelessness Bill 2012
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission took into account that any discussion about improving Australia's law and justice framework relating to contracts will require careful consideration to any detail, and hence further consultation.
Papers and submissions
RLC made a submission to the April 2012 Treasury Discussion Paper 'Strategies for reducing reliance on high-cost, short-term, small amount lending'.
Papers and submissions
In RLC's view the exposure draft National Human Rights Action Plan mostly lists existing and proposed Commonwealth and Victorian programs, rather than a plan to strengthen Australian human rights protections in a systemic way.
Papers and submissions
RLC made a submission with the National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) in response to the Attorney-General Department's Consolidation of Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination Laws Discussion Paper.
Papers and submissions
On 16 December 2011 Phoenix van Dyke from our Inner Sydney Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service and Natalie Ross from our general legal service appeared before the Standing Committee on Law and Justice to give evidence for the Inquiry.
Papers and submissions
RLC values the work done by Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) in addressing the systemic issues underlying our clients' individual issues.
Papers and submissions
The government sought comments on the Bill, which proposes to amend the Credit Law as they affect a number of areas including hardship provisions, reverse mortgages, consumer leases and small amount credit cards.
Papers and submissions
In this submission we argued that the introduction of laws to cover people that fall outside of the Residential Tenancy Act 2012 (NSW), while benefiting many residents on NSW, would be of great benefit to international students.