Papers and submissions
65 resultsPapers and submissions
RLC manages Sydney Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (Sydney WDVCAS), providing legal advice/assistance to 1700 women per year
Papers and submissions
Redfern Legal Centre has a long history of providing assistance, advice and advocacy to the local community, including many clients with problems involving access to energy.
Papers and submissions
From August 2009 to June 2010, RLC undertook a community legal education pilot project about credit and debt in the Marrickville LGA targeting the CALD communities in that municipality.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission focused upon three key issues of access and equity in the financial system for vulnerable and disadvantaged consumers - financial exclusion, financial hardship and financial literacy.
Papers and submissions
Read RLC's submission.
Papers and submissions
A recurring hindrance to efficient debt recovery process is the pursuit of ‘unrecoverable’ debts.
Papers and submissions
The submission sets out the broad view of contributors that, while there is room for improvement, FOS is providing an essential service of a high standard and should be congratulated.
Papers and submissions
The Redfern Legal Centre identifies economic rights as important in the attainment of a just society.
Papers and submissions
RLC and Sydney Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (Sydney WDVCAS) made a submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee Inquiry into the partial defence of provocation.
Papers and submissions
RLC made a submission to the April 2012 Treasury Discussion Paper 'Strategies for reducing reliance on high-cost, short-term, small amount lending'.