Papers and submissions
63 resultsPapers and submissions
The overarching recommendation of this submission was that the government reconsider its methodological approach to the baseline study.
Papers and submissions
The Treasury sought comments on the Bill.
Papers and submissions
RLC welcomed the ACMA's decision to undertake its examination of customer services and the complaints-handing experiences of consumers within the telecommunications industry.
Papers and submissions
Our submission argued that the standards are not meeting their aims and have not had a significant impact on access to education for students with disability.
Papers and submissions
In this submission, RLC's view was that the review into the role and function of the TIO was overdue.
Papers and submissions
This is the second submission of NACLC and other CLCs in relation to the consolidation of federal discrimination legislation.
Papers and submissions
Utility debts have always been a significant proportion of the matters presenting to the Centre.
Papers and submissions
This is a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission and NSW Law Reform Commission Family Violence Inquiry by the Sydney Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (WDVCAS).
Papers and submissions
We continue to support the Commonwealth legislation to regulate all credit and mortgages, and continue to believe that State Courts and Tribunals should retain some power to hear minor credit and mortgage matters in their own jurisdictions.
Papers and submissions
One of our goals at RLC is to identify the inequalities in laws, the legal system, administrative practice and society as a whole that affect RLC's clients and disadvantaged people generally, and work to remove those inequalities.