Papers and submissions
36 resultsPapers and submissions
RLC's submission makes 16 recommendations in response to concerns identified during the 2016 Inquiry, and provides client case studies that further highlight our concerns.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission highlights our concerns about the effectiveness of the current processes identified in the Strategy in supporting the prevention of homelessness
Papers and submissions
Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) is calling for immediate amendments to NSW strip-search laws as research reveals an almost twentyfold increase in strip searches in almost 12 years.
Papers and submissions
RLC and the ALS have made a joint submission to the NSW Government Review of the Surveillance Devices Amendment (Police Body-Worn Video) Act 2014.
Papers and submissions
In this submission, Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) addresses a Bill to allow Centrelink to make deductions from a tenant’s welfare payment to satisfy debts claimed by the social housing provider.
Papers and submissions
In this submission, Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) focuses on the impact of policing on the incarceration rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Papers and submissions
On 11 August 2017, the NSW government passed laws granting police sweeping new powers to move on people occupying designated public reserves.
Papers and submissions
With the review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 still ongoing, RLC is pushing for law reform to protect all residents living in share housing.
Papers and submissions
It has been five years since the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 (NSW) (RTA) came into force and it is now due for its five year statutory review.
Papers and submissions
RLC has contributed to the City of Sydney's review of all its alcohol restrictions, including Alcohol Free Zones (AFZs).