Papers and submissions
28 resultsPapers and submissions
With the review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 still ongoing, RLC is pushing for law reform to protect all residents living in share housing.
Papers and submissions
It has been five years since the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 (NSW) (RTA) came into force and it is now due for its five year statutory review.
Papers and submissions
Redfern Legal Centre has assisted many public housing tenants to get repairs carried out in their homes.
Papers and submissions
Briefing Paper: Residential Tenancies and Housing Legislation Amendment (Public Housing—Antisocial Behaviour) Bill 2015
Papers and submissions
A report by MOSAIC (Justice Connect) and Redfern Legal Centre
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RLC submission calls for support of tenants experiencing vulnerability and actions to address the growing demand for affordable housing in NSW.
Papers and submissions
RLC welcomes the opportunity to make a submission in response to the Legislative Assembly Inquiry conducted by the Public Accounts Committee into Tenancy Management arrangements in NSW Social Housing.
Papers and submissions
Our submission is grounded in our experience with tenants in the Sydney area, and will focus primarily on the impact that current and proposed HNSW and LAHC policies have, and could have on socially disadvantaged tenants.
Papers and submissions
Research shows that a higher proportion of international students are problem or at-risk gamblers when compared with domestic students.
Papers and submissions
This submission is based on Redfern Legal Centre’s experience in providing free legal advice to international students affected by gambling.