Papers and submissions
23 resultsPapers and submissions
Our submission to provide feedback to assist the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee in its review of the Family Law Amendment Bill 2024 (the Bill).
Papers and submissions
RLC’s submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs inquiry into family violence orders.
The submission and recommendations draw heavily from RLC’s expertise in the field of family violence.
Papers and submissions
RLC is asking the Federal government to establish whistleblower protections that would enable migrant workers to report exploitation without risking their visa.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission discusses current and future housing needs including affordable social and Aboriginal housing, and Waterloo's social housing community through redevelopment and relocations.
Papers and submissions
RLC and Kingsford Legal Centre and have jointly made submissions to the Senate Select Committee on Job Security.
Papers and submissions
RLC’s policy submission in response to the Interim Report to the Australian Government strongly supports the enshrinement of a First Nations Voice in the Australian Constitution.
Papers and submissions
EARG believes the criminalisation of coercive control won’t necessarily achieve better outcomes for victim-survivors.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission makes 16 recommendations in response to concerns identified during the 2016 Inquiry, and provides client case studies that further highlight our concerns.
Papers and submissions
RLC is calling for urgent measures to avoid a humanitarian crisis by addressing the serious vulnerabilities within this community, which are being magnified by the current health crisis.
Papers and submissions
Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) is calling for immediate amendments to NSW strip-search laws as research reveals an almost twentyfold increase in strip searches in almost 12 years.