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RLC in the media

NSW Police could face a large compensation bill if a class action lawsuit alleging unlawful searches took place at a popular music festival is successful.
RLC in the media: Hands holding a newspare with the RLC logo in the corner

Redfern Legal Centre has joint forces with a number of other advocates on an open letter to the NSW Premier calling on the NSW Government to revoke wrongly issued COVID-19 fines.
Logos of supporting organisations

In October 2020, RLC police accountability solicitor Samatha Lee appeared before The Select Committee into the High Level of First Nations People in Custody and Oversight and Review of Deaths in Custody.
Three Aboriginal flags on a string - photo tinted orange

© Redfern Legal Centre 1977 - 2022

Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012