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RLC in the media

In Australia, unfair and oppressive rules introduced by some apartment buildings have seen a number of tenants summarily locked out of their homes, often over trivial matters. These tenants have found that local laws offer them little in the way of meaningful protection.
RLC in the Media: A close up shot of a typewriter having typed the word Headlines. The RLC logo appears above the text.

Redfern Legal Centre enjoyed the opportunity to attend the launch of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s report into pregnancy discrimination in employment on Friday 25thJuly.

Illegal and overcrowded housing for international students has been a hot topic in the media lately.

Redfern Legal Centre has recently advised and assisted a number of people seeking to recover unpaid wages and entitlements from their employers.

Low-income earners and people who receive Centrelink benefits are often financially excluded from accessing safe and secure credit facilities.

© Redfern Legal Centre 1977 - 2022

Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012