The ten-part series, produced in partnership with the Law & Justice Foundation, the Community Radio Network, and the Community Broadcasting Foundation, aims to improve the knowledge of young people with disabilities about their legal rights, their advocacy rights and to educate people with disabilities and their families about support networks.
In her interview Linda described disability discrimination in the workplace as 'rife', explaining that it is often the perception of disability which unfairly creates disadvantage and discrimination for job applicants, rather than the disability itself. She also said that this form of discrimination can be difficult to prove.
Dr Tucker said this discrimination is often a result of ignorance or a lack of education for employers and workers, because an individual’s disability may have no impact on the job role that person is being asked to perform; or if it does, these needs can be easily be accommodated for.
"It is incredibly common that a person with disability gets knocked back... it's simply ignorance or discrimination on the part of decision makers," Dr Tucker said.
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