

116 results

NSW government suggestions that children as young as 10 could work off COVID fines have been described as “outrageous” and could be in breach of Australia’s obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child.
Group of officers wearing yellow and blue hi vis gear which reads 'Police' on back

RLC has filed a case in the Supreme Court of New South Wales representing plaintiffs who seek to challenge the validity of their COVID-19 fines.
Close up of Supreme Court sign

Tenants’ Union of NSW and Legal Aid NSW have launched a podcast series for community workers supporting clients with tenancy issues.
housing huge block brown and green right diagonal

In the lead-up to Australia’s inaugural Economic Abuse Awareness Day on 26 November 2021, RLC staff spoke at online events to raise awareness about financial abuse.
Domestic Violence and Financial Abuse thumbnail - Wallet with post it on which Financial Abuse is written

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Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012