

73 results

Claire is an international student at an Australian university. After arriving to begin her studies, Claire started working as a waitress to assist with the cost of studying.
Domestic Violence and Financial Abuse thumbnail - Woman holding palm out

12 September 2018 – Mr Chris Hayes MP (Fowler—Chief Opposition Whip) outlined his support for the Modern Slavery Bill 2018, citing RLC's submission to the 2017 Inquiry into establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia.
Bound versions  of proceedings in the House of Representatives

Over the the past few months, a series of free training sessions have been offered to volunteer solicitors at Kingsford, Inner City, Redfern and Marrickville Legal Centres. Book now for the final session, being held in November.
An orange arch containing the text Redfern Legal Centre

© Redfern Legal Centre 1977 - 2022

Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012