Women are predominantly the victims of financial abuse and it occurs often within the context of domestic violence.
A recent report, compiled by Good Shepherd and Wyndham Legal Service, identified common forms of financial abuse, including limiting a woman’s ability to work, controlling household finances, and forcing her to enter into debts and loans under her name on behalf of the abuser.
Women are often be left with considerable debt, further compounding the difficulty of leaving controlling relationships, and their vulnerability when escaping domestic violence.
Although banks are required by law to offer help to people experiencing financial hardship, there can be very strict guidelines for which situations are defined as ‘hardship’.
In a recent paper, RLC has argued for banks to recognise ‘financial abuse’ as a separate indicator of hardship – as well as medical, financial and employment hardship.
More information about Redfern Legal Centre’s position on financial abuse can be found here.
If you, or anyone you know is experiencing financial abuse and requires legal help, please contact RLC on 9698 7277 or contact a financial counsellor on 1800 007 007.