In NSW, there is a law that protects tenants called the “Residential Tenancies Act”.
If you are renting a place to live and are not sharing with the landlord or other strangers, then you are likely to be defined as a “tenant” under the Residential Tenancies Act.
RLC's tenancy service supports many people who have received an eviction notice from their landlord.
If you are on a fixed-term agreement you can only be evicted during the fixed term if you have breached your contract and the Tribunal thinks that it is serious enough to end the tenancy agreement.
Our factsheet for renters in private housing explains the process of eviction and what rights tenants have. It also outlines the reasons you can be evicted and where you can get help and advice.
Download factsheet for private renters
RLC assists many people living in public housing who experience problems when requesting repairs to their home.
Social housing tenants have the same rights to have their homes repaired as all other tenants in NSW. You also have a right to have your quiet enjoyment of your property respected by both your social housing provider and your neighbours.
Our factsheet for tenants in social housing explains what to do if your housing provider won’t do repairs, and steps to take if your neigbours are making you feel unsafe.
The factsheet also discusses how to seek a housing transfer if you want to move because your home no longer meets your needs.
Download social housing factsheet
If you have a problem with your tenancy, RLC's Inner Sydney Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service (ISTAAS) provides free, confidential legal advice. We can also refer you to other services. Contact us on 02 9697 7277 or fill out our online form at www.rlc.org.au.