Credit, Debt and Consumer Law

We provide free and confidential legal advice about money problems and consumer complaints. 

On this page

About this service

Many people experience money problems. There can be legal solutions to financial issues.

Our solicitors can give you free and confidential legal advice about money problems and consumer complaints including:

  • Owing money
  • Being owed money
  • Bankruptcy
  • Credit cards and loans
  • Problems with bills
  • Difficulty paying a fine
  • Faulty goods or failure to provide services
  • Problems with insurance and superannuation
  • Damage to motor vehicles

We can only advise individuals and not businesses.

Who can access this service?

This service is available to people who live in Redfern Legal Centre's catchment area, which includes over 40 suburbs. An income threshold applies. Learn more about accessing our services.

Please call us on 02 9698 7277 to see if you are in our catchment area. If you live outside of our catchment, we may refer you to a community legal centre closer to you. However, if you are seeking advice in an area of law that we can assist with, we may still be able to make an appointment for you.

Use the Community Legal Centres NSW online recommendation tool to find your local community legal centre. 


How to contact us

LEGAL ENQUIRY Form call 02 9698 7277

If you need a telephone interpreter, call using the free Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.


If we are able to advise you, we will arrange for a solicitor to call you back. If we are not able to assist you we may refer you to other services and resources, including those listed below.

Supporting Financial Counsellors in NSW

RLC also provides legal information, advice and support to financial counsellors in NSW. If you have a question about credit, debt and consumer law, don't hesitate to contact our Credit and Debt solicitor on 02 9698 7277.

How we can help: Kim's story

Kim*, a young single mother who had four children and was receiving a Disability Support Pension, was made homeless after escaping a relationship of domestic violence.

After reading online advertising promoting car finance to pensioners, she visited a car dealership to enquire about a cheap secondhand car. Although Kim was not planning on purchasing a car on that day, the salesperson took advantage of her vulnerable situation, organising a car loan for over $20,000.

It was only after Kim came to RLC for help that she was made aware that her loan included a number of add-on insurance products she had not requested, and additional charges equivalent to 75% of the purchase price of the vehicle.

RLC submitted a complaint to the lender on Kim’s behalf and negotiated a significant waiver of the remaining balance of the loan, while also enabling Kim to retain full ownership of the vehicle.

* Name has been changed

What our clients say

Thank you very much for the help and time you have spent on my case. If you have not helped me for [bank] matter I will be paying my loan til 20 years. You guys are very kind.

Other services that can help

Self-help information

A simple guide to help you make smart choices about money.

A practical guide for people having problems with fines.

A legal guide for people living in boarding houses in NSW. 

Your rights and responsibilities when buying goods and services in Australia. A multi-language video series.

Information about financial counselling and other services in NSW for people in financial distress.

Information about what to do if you have received a penalty notice.

Law reform updates

© Redfern Legal Centre 1977 - 2022

Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012