95 resultsLegal self-help
This document provides information on the withdrawal of fines issued for breaching Public Health Orders during the COVID-19 pandemic that have since been found to be invalid.
Legal self-help
This factsheet provides information about NSW police powers related to drugs, including:
Drug detection dogs
Driving under the influence of drugs
Supply and deemed supply of drugs
Papers and submissions
Redfern Legal Centre's Submission to the 2024 Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into Australia’s Youth Justice and Incarceration System.
Papers and submissions
Our submission to provide feedback to assist the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee in its review of the Family Law Amendment Bill 2024 (the Bill).
Legal self-help
This factsheet provides information on how convictions are spent (removed) from your criminal record in NSW and when criminal convictions can be disclosed.
Papers and submissions
RLC’s submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs inquiry into family violence orders.
The submission and recommendations draw heavily from RLC’s expertise in the field of family violence.
Legal self-help
This factsheet provides information about the new police power to scan for knives or other weapons.
Legal self-help
Can police ask me questions when they pull me over?
Police can ask you questions at any time.
If you are driving, the only information you have to give police is your name and address.
Legal self-help
Police can stop and search your car if they reasonably suspect that:
• your car has been involved in a crime, or your car will be involved in a crime in the future
• your car contains stolen goods or illegal drugs
• your car is in a public place and has something dangerous inside