Papers and submissions


73 results
Papers and submissions

Redfern Legal Centre, as part of the Power to Prevent Coalition, calls on the Australian Government to adopt an Equal Access costs model for all discrimination matters.
Papers and submissions

Redfern Legal Centre's Employment Rights Legal Service, as part of the Power to Prevent Coalition, calls on the Australian Government to adopt an Equal Access costs model for all discrimination matters.
Papers and submissions

RLC's submission discusses current and future housing needs including affordable social and Aboriginal housing, and Waterloo's social housing community through redevelopment and relocations.
Papers and submissions

RLC’s policy submission in response to the Interim Report to the Australian Government strongly supports the enshrinement of a First Nations Voice in the Australian Constitution. 

© Redfern Legal Centre 1977 - 2022

Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012