Papers and submissions
45 resultsPapers and submissions
RLC is asking the Federal government to establish whistleblower protections that would enable migrant workers to report exploitation without risking their visa.
Papers and submissions
RLC has joined a coalition of community legal centres sending an open letter to government calling for improvements to a proposed discrimination law Bill.
Papers and submissions
A coalition of concerned community legal centres and civil society organisations have called on governments to make pre-election commitments to end the exploitation of migrant workers.
Papers and submissions
RLC and Kingsford Legal Centre and have jointly made submissions to the Senate Select Committee on Job Security.
Papers and submissions
RLC has made submissions to the recent Senate Inquiry into consumer credit reforms.
Papers and submissions
RLC first made submissions to the Religious Freedom Bills consultation on 2 October 2019, detailing a number of our concerns. On 31 January 2020, we made further submissions on the second exposure draft of the Bills.
Papers and submissions
On 2 October 2019, RLC made a submission to the Attorney-General on the Religious Discrimination Bill 2019, Religious Discrimination (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2019 and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Freedom of Religion) Bill 2019.
Papers and submissions
Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) is calling for immediate amendments to NSW strip-search laws as research reveals an almost twentyfold increase in strip searches in almost 12 years.
Papers and submissions
A comprehensive report on sexual harassment in Australian workplaces.
Papers and submissions
RLC and the ALS have made a joint submission to the NSW Government Review of the Surveillance Devices Amendment (Police Body-Worn Video) Act 2014.