Papers and submissions
52 resultsPapers and submissions
RLC's submission is based on The Civil Society Report on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
Papers and submissions
RLC and the Australian Human Rights Centre welcome the consolidation of federal human rights and discrimination laws into a single Act, with greater consistency and simplicity.
Papers and submissions
In RLC's view the exposure draft National Human Rights Action Plan mostly lists existing and proposed Commonwealth and Victorian programs, rather than a plan to strengthen Australian human rights protections in a systemic way.
Papers and submissions
RLC made a submission with the National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) in response to the Attorney-General Department's Consolidation of Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination Laws Discussion Paper.
Papers and submissions
RLC has a priority access policy for ATSI clients. In 2010, we provided legal services to some 3000 individuals from Redfern and surrounding areas, approximately 200 of whom identified as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
Papers and submissions
The overarching recommendation of this submission was that the government reconsider its methodological approach to the baseline study.
Papers and submissions
While RLC does not generally represent people in court who have been charged with criminal matters, we have regular contact with people who are subject to bail conditions and are experiencing other consequences as a result.
Papers and submissions
Our submission argued that the standards are not meeting their aims and have not had a significant impact on access to education for students with disability.
Papers and submissions
This is the second submission of NACLC and other CLCs in relation to the consolidation of federal discrimination legislation.
Papers and submissions
The RLC opposes any increase in the sentencing jurisdiction of the Local Court.