Papers and submissions
36 resultsPapers and submissions
On 16 December 2011 Phoenix van Dyke from our Inner Sydney Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service and Natalie Ross from our general legal service appeared before the Standing Committee on Law and Justice to give evidence for the Inquiry.
Papers and submissions
In this submission we argued that the introduction of laws to cover people that fall outside of the Residential Tenancy Act 2012 (NSW), while benefiting many residents on NSW, would be of great benefit to international students.
Papers and submissions
While RLC does not generally represent people in court who have been charged with criminal matters, we have regular contact with people who are subject to bail conditions and are experiencing other consequences as a result.
Papers and submissions
RLC has a long history of providing legal advice to our local community, with one of our key areas of advice being for public and private tenants.
Papers and submissions
The RLC opposes any increase in the sentencing jurisdiction of the Local Court.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission provides recommendations on how to prevent homelessness, based on our experience providing services targeted at assisting people who are disadvantaged in our community.