Papers and submissions
28 resultsPapers and submissions
RLC's submission to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry on ending no-grounds evictions.
Papers and submissions
RLC is asking the Federal government to establish whistleblower protections that would enable migrant workers to report exploitation without risking their visa.
Papers and submissions
Submission made to the Real Estate Housing Policy Team in NSW Government concerning the specific legislative provisions to protect the rights of tenants and non-perpetrator co-tenants who have experienced domestic violence.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission highlights an opportunity for the proposed renewal of the Redfern North Eveleigh Precinct to deliver much-needed social, affordable and Aboriginal housing.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission discusses current and future housing needs including affordable social and Aboriginal housing, and Waterloo's social housing community through redevelopment and relocations.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission makes 16 recommendations in response to concerns identified during the 2016 Inquiry, and provides client case studies that further highlight our concerns.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission highlights our concerns about the effectiveness of the current processes identified in the Strategy in supporting the prevention of homelessness
Papers and submissions
RLC is calling for urgent measures to avoid a humanitarian crisis by addressing the serious vulnerabilities within this community, which are being magnified by the current health crisis.
Papers and submissions
In this submission, Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) addresses a Bill to allow Centrelink to make deductions from a tenant’s welfare payment to satisfy debts claimed by the social housing provider.
Papers and submissions
In RLC's experience, international students frequently have a visa issue associated with their legal problem, and fears about their visa status can prevent these students from seeking advice or asserting their rights.