Papers and submissions
29 resultsPapers and submissions
In RLC's experience, international students frequently have a visa issue associated with their legal problem, and fears about their visa status can prevent these students from seeking advice or asserting their rights.
Papers and submissions
Aboriginal Health Justice Partnership Evaluation fo first six months of operation.
Papers and submissions
Redfern Legal Centre welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Reparations of the Stolen Generation.
Papers and submissions
A report by MOSAIC (Justice Connect) and Redfern Legal Centre
Papers and submissions
RLC's submission highlights limited funding available to legal service providers and over-policing leading to an overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals within the criminal justice system.
Papers and submissions
Research shows that a higher proportion of international students are problem or at-risk gamblers when compared with domestic students.
Papers and submissions
This submission is based on Redfern Legal Centre’s experience in providing free legal advice to international students affected by gambling.
Papers and submissions
In the year of 2011-2012, 6.1% of Redfern Legal Centre's clients identified as being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and 30.6% were of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Papers and submissions
RLC has a priority access policy for ATSI clients. In 2010, we provided legal services to some 3000 individuals from Redfern and surrounding areas, approximately 200 of whom identified as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.