Legal self-help
50 resultsLegal self-help
This factsheet explains when police can detain you under the Mental Health Act and take you to a mental health facility, the processes that will be followed, and your options to make a complaint if you believe police have behaved improperly.
Legal self-help
This factsheet gives information about Body-worn video (BWV) in NSW. BWV is a portable camera worn by some police to record their interactions with the public.
Legal self-help
This fact sheet explains the most common civil claims against NSW Police, and provides a brief overview of the legal process involved in making a claim against NSW Police.
Legal self-help
This factsheet provides information on what to do if police conficate your property.
Legal self-help
NSW's COVID-19 public heath orders are complex, and continue to evolve rapidly. It's important to know your rights and responsibilities and to stay informed about ongoing changes.
Factsheet revised 3 September 2021.
Legal self-help
This factsheet is designed to assist you in requesting access to information held by NSW Police.
Legal self-help
This factsheet is a step-by-step guide to applying by post using the standard GIPA Application form.
Legal self-help
There are two ways to make a GIPA application to request information – by post or using the online form. This factsheet is a step-by-step guide to applying online.
Legal self-help
For anyone who has attended a protest – or is considering attending one – and wants to know more about your legal rights.
Legal self-help
We explore current problems with NSW strip search law and look at how a class action could achieve change.