Kerry O’Brien, Chair of the Redfern Legal Centre’s Board has today announced the appointment of Camilla Pandolfini as RLC’s Chief Executive Officer.
Camilla has strong relationships in the legal sector and a wealth of expertise that will put RLC in great stead for the years ahead.
Camilla has over fifteen years' experience in the social justice sector in New South Wales, Victoria, and the United Kingdom. Camilla is passionate about social justice and the role of community legal centres in creating change for people and communities experiencing disadvantage. Camilla brings significant experience in strategic and impact planning and knowledge of organisational sustainability and growth.
Camilla has been a Principal Solicitor at the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for over three years. Camilla joined PIAC in 2012 as a Senior Solicitor, and has led PIAC’s work on police accountability and rights in detention. Prior to PIAC, Camilla worked at the Prisoners’ Advice Service in London, where she ran human rights cases on behalf of prisoners, and Victoria Legal Aid in Victoria. Camilla has worked in a range of different organisations and across diverse areas of law and jurisdictions. Camilla has chaired a number of sector working groups and committees in NSW, and has been instrumental in leading the sector to bring about significant positive reform to NSW policing practices.
On behalf of the RLC board and staff, Kerry congratulates Camilla on her appointment. We are thrilled to welcome Camilla in December 2022.