Donate to Redfern Legal Centre

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Donate to RLC

Redfern Legal Centre means many things to many people. For some, RLC is where they started their legal careers. For others, RLC’s advice and support assisted them in ending their domestic violence or homelessness. 

No matter what RLC means to you, one thing holds true, RLC’s work cannot be done without a team! From the volunteers and alumni to pro bono partners and donors, every member of the team plays an integral part in ensuring RLC continues its legacy as we head into our 50th year, and beyond. 

Be part of the solution

RLC continues to operate in an uncertain funding environment. We need your support to maintain our services and retain our exceptional paid staff who train, advise, mentor and support our diverse team. Your donation will ensure the organisation continues to be a trusted, reliable, innovative provider of legal advice to thousands of disadvantaged Australians in need each year. Make a donation today and join the team!

How to donate

  • You can help by making a one-off or regular donation online at the bottom of this page, or through our GiveNow page.
  • Set up a direct debit to our bank account 28-2722, BSB 032-010, name Redfern Legal Centre Ltd. 
  • You can also choose to leave a bequest to Redfern Legal Centre in your will. Further information is available here.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and we will send you a receipt for your tax records.

How to bequest

Leaving a bequest to Redfern Legal Centre is a wonderful gesture of support for social justice. Your generosity will make a real difference to the future of our organisation, ensuring that our legacy of providing free legal help for communities in need can continue.

Learn more

Donation form

Our work this year

© Redfern Legal Centre 1977 - 2022

Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012