Our pro bono partners
Pro bono partners support each of Redfern Legal Centre's practice areas. RLC is highly appreciative of the assistance and partnership of the following firms.

Ashurst – Credit and Debt Partner
RLC’s credit and debt team continues its pro bono partnership with Ashurst. Lawyers from Ashurst provide assistance with advice and research for casework and community legal information, enabling the team to take on more complex and difficult matters. They also accept referrals from the credit and debt practice, where possible. This partnership is an important resource for RLC and we greatly appreciate Ashurst’s continued support.

Clayton Utz – Employment Law & Health Justice Partnership Partner, and International Student Legal Service NSW Supporter.
RLC continues its highly successful partnership with Clayton Utz in the area of employment law, providing support for clients who have been underpaid or unpaid, representation in unfair dismissal and general protections conciliations and underpayment claims to the Federal Circuit Court. The scheme results in excellent outcomes for many of RLC’s clients who would otherwise be unable to obtain representation and be unfairly disadvantaged in their disputes with employers.
Clayton Utz also supports Redfern Legal Centre’s innovative health justice partnership with the Sydney Local Health District, which delivers legal advice to people in a hospital setting and trains hospital staff to identify legal issues affecting their patients.
Clayton Utz actively supports RLC's International Student Legal Service NSW by providing weekly telephone legal advice to students. This invaluable assistance has helped us manage the increased demand for our services.

DLA Piper – Police Accountability Practice Partner
DLA Piper supports RLC’s police accountability practice, both financially and through pro bono support. DLA Piper provides solicitors to help staff RLC’s police accountability advice clinic, and assists with the practice’s advice and casework by drafting police complaints, undertaking research, developing resources and assisting in the investigation and conduct of test cases. The assistance provided by DLA Piper is invaluable to the police accountability practice, which could not operate without it.

King & Wood Mallesons – Housing and Homelessness Partner
RLC’s Inner Sydney Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Service (ISTAAS) is fortunate to enjoy continued support from the Human Rights Law Group at King & Wood Mallesons. Their invaluable legal advice and support has assisted us to provide representation for additional people in Tribunal matters. King & Wood Mallesons also provides assistance to the inner-city community legal centres by providing a venue and support for the volunteer solicitors’ training program.

McCabe Curwood – International Student Legal Service NSW Partner
McCabe Curwood are the pro bono partner for RLC’s statewide international students’ service. McCabe Curwood assists with RLC’s advice clinic for international students, providing advice on a range of legal issues, including credit and debt, consumer and tenancy matters, review of government decisions, victims’ compensation applications, access to records and mental health and guardianship.
Watts McCray Lawyers – Family Law Partner
Watts McCray has been providing family law advice to clients of RLC on a weekly basis for many years, including in relation to divorce, children and property. Their support and expertise is invaluable to the people we assist, many of whom are victims of domestic violence and financial abuse. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Watts McCray for many years to come.
Financial Abuse Legal Service Supporters
Trained pro bono solicitors from corporate firms including PwC Australia, American Express, Ashurst and Telstra advise clients attending Redfern Legal Centre’s Financial Abuse Legal Service clinics on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Pro bono solicitors from Lander & Rogers and Barry Nilsson Lawyers also attend the clinic to advise clients on overlapping family law issues.
Migration Advice Partners
The following migration agents generously donate their time to provide migration advice to Redfern Legal Centre’s international student clients on a regular basis.
- Shannon Lin | Special Counsel, FavouRest Lawyers
Other Pro Bono Support
Gilbert + Tobin Lawyers, Hall & Wilcox, Kingston Reid, KPMG Law, Makinson d’Apice Lawyers and the New South Wales Bar Association, Legal Vision.