The NSW police use of strip searches is becoming increasingly routine despite the invasive nature of strip-search procedures.
Paul Gregoire reports for The Big Smoke.
A Sydney woman says a police strip search at a Homebush music festival in 2018 forced her to relive a sexual assault that occurred just over a year earlier.
Angus Thompson and Nigel Gladstone report for Sydney Morning Herald
Sniffer dogs and police are harassing more people at train stations, and strip searches of young people, Aboriginal and people in regional NSW are on the rise.
Rachel Evans & Susan Price report For Green Left Weekly
Strip searches have increased by 46 per cent in NSW in the last four years, according to police data presented at an information night by the Redfern Legal Centre on the policy.
Avanti Dias reports for Triple J Hack
Thousands of short term migrants exploited by bosses who withhold fair wages will benefit from a $1.6 million statewide project providing free legal help to recover the money they’re owed.
SBS Nepali reports.
Redfern Legal Centre has called for changes to NSW’s strip-search laws, after police targeted commuters at major Sydney train stations on Thursday.
Heath Parkes-Hupton reports for Central Sydney.
RLC is having a big comedy fundraiser at Giant Dwarf Theatre on 8 May, and lots of Aussie celebs are jumping on board.
Nathaniel Keesing reports for 2ser