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RLC in the media

The proposal to overhaul responsible lending obligations has been met with mixed reaction, with many welcoming its ability to speed up the flow of credit while others have warned against potential harm to consumers. Annie Kane reports for Mortgage Business
A small model house placed on top of bank notes spread out in fan formation
RLC in the media

New figures released by the Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) via freedom of information laws revealed that in the past year, NSW Police have continued to strip search dozens of children. This is despite public demands to cease and desist, and three official inquiries in late 2019 condemning the practice. Alec Smart reports for Sydney Sentinel.
First Nations Justice Thumbnail - 40,000 years mural near Redfern Station

© Redfern Legal Centre 1977 - 2022

Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012