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RLC in the media

RLC analysis of NSW Police data has shown that over a three year period, the number of high-speed chases NSW police has engaged in has increased by 37%. Samantha Lee, head of RLC’s police accountability practice, speaks to Paul Gregoire from Sydney Criminal Lawyers about the increase in high-speed police pursuits.
RLC in the media

Redfern Legal Centre’s police powers solicitor Samantha Lee and Dr Vicki Sentas, convenor of RLC’s police powers clinic, spoke to Buzzfeed News about the Suspect Targeting Management Plan (STMP) used by NSW Police to target children as young as nine years old.
Police with sniffer dog at train starion
RLC in the media

Redfern Legal Centre’s Police Powers solicitor, Sam Lee, speaks to Caitlin McHugh from the Wire about the Suspect Targeting Management Plan (the STMP), a secretive police program resulting in over-policing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and young people in NSW.
RLC in the media

NSW police commissioner, Mick Fuller, said about 55 per cent of people who are currently the subject of a Suspect Target Management Plan are Indigenous, prompting accusations that police are using a “racially-biased program” to combat crime.

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Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012